How to install
- Relative Minecraft server
- Java 11+ (can run with 8 if H2 database is used)
- Network access
Spigot / Paper / Bukkit
- Download the latest release.
- Put the plugin into your Spigot / Paper / Bukkit plugins folder.
- Configure permissions for LastLoginAPI (Permissions list here)
- This is optional if you don't wanna use commands
- You can manually insert permissions into
file - Or you can use a permissions manager plugin like LuckPerms (recommended)
- Reload/start the server.
BungeeCord / Waterfall / Velocity
If you want use placeholders in each server, then you have to install LastLoginAPI on every server and enable bungeecord option to avoid concurrently saves on the database!
- Download the latest release.
- Stop the server.
- Put the plugin into your BungeeCord / Waterfall plugins folder.
- Configure permissions for LastLoginAPI (Permissions list here)
- This is optional if you don't wanna use commands
- You can manually insert permissions into
file - Or you can use a permissions manager plugin like LuckPerms (recommended)
- Start the server.
Why network access
On boot, LastLoginAPI will download required open source libraries to handle each feature of the plugin (if not downloaded before).
You can find a list of libraries here:
Library | Used for | Author |
caffeine | Dependency of jdbi | ben-manes |
geantyref | Dependency of jdbi | ~ |
h2database | Driver H2 database | ~ |
HikariCP | JDBC for remote databases | Brett Wooldridge |
jdbi | JDBC APIs | ~ |
mariadb-java-client | Driver for MariaDB database | ~ |
mysql-connector-java | Driver for MySQL database | ~ |
postgresql | Driver for PostgreSQL database | ~ |
slf4j-api & sl4j-simple | Dependency of jdbi | ~ |
sqlite-jdbc | Driver SQLite database | xerial |