
How to install


  • Relative Minecraft server
  • Java 11+ (can run with 8 if H2 database is used)
  • Network access

Spigot / Paper / Bukkit

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Put the plugin into your Spigot / Paper / Bukkit plugins folder.
  3. Configure permissions for LastLoginAPI (Permissions list here)
    1. This is optional if you don't wanna use commands
    2. You can manually insert permissions into permissions.yml file
    3. Or you can use a permissions manager plugin like LuckPerms (recommended)
  4. Reload/start the server.

BungeeCord / Waterfall / Velocity

If you want use placeholders in each server, then you have to install LastLoginAPI on every server and enable bungeecord option to avoid concurrently saves on the database!

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Stop the server.
  3. Put the plugin into your BungeeCord / Waterfall plugins folder.
  4. Configure permissions for LastLoginAPI (Permissions list here)
    1. This is optional if you don't wanna use commands
    2. You can manually insert permissions into bungee.yml file
    3. Or you can use a permissions manager plugin like LuckPerms (recommended)
  5. Start the server.

Why network access

On boot, LastLoginAPI will download required open source libraries to handle each feature of the plugin (if not downloaded before).

You can find a list of libraries here:

LibraryUsed forAuthor
caffeineDependency of jdbiben-manes
geantyrefDependency of jdbi~
h2databaseDriver H2 database~
HikariCPJDBC for remote databasesBrett Wooldridge
jdbiJDBC APIs~
mariadb-java-clientDriver for MariaDB database~
mysql-connector-javaDriver for MySQL database~
postgresqlDriver for PostgreSQL database~
slf4j-api & sl4j-simpleDependency of jdbi~
sqlite-jdbcDriver SQLite databasexerial