

Do you have any issue? Just open an issue or contact me on Discord.

Welcome to the documentation of OreAnnouncer, a simple plugin for minecraft servers to collect data about ore diggers!



OreAnnouncer is a plugin for Minecraft servers. Currently, it officially supports:

  • Spigot / PaperSpigot
  • BungeeCord / Waterfall
  • Bukkit

This plugin collects data about mined blocks (can be set with any block).
You can send an alert to users/admins or just store every block they destroy to easily track x-ray players.

If you don't like some features that have been pre-configured for you, you can easily remove them by denying the permission or, if there is an option, disable it via the config.yml.

I really care about customization, if you find something that cannot be configured just report that to me!


OreAnnouncer uses the AGPLv3 license (GNU Affero General Public License v3.0).
You can read the license here.


If you want to support me, you can just visit my website alessiodp.com and find out my other projects 😉
Alternatively you can send me a donation and receive a special rank on my Discord server!