
How to report a bug

Have you found some errors that you want to report to me?
Perfect, you need to know that I need to be able to replicate that bug, for that, I invite you to follow some steps before send the report 😉

What to do

  1. Enable the debug log (really important)
  2. Replicate the bug
  3. Group up files
  4. Send the report

Enable the debug log

Nothing hard, you just need to replace these options inside your configuration file!
Go into your config.yml at the line 24~, where log options starts, and edit these like that:

# ...
  # Enable debug messages
  debug: true
    # Save to file log messages
    enable: true
    # ...

After doing that, be sure you are collecting the log output (Default output: log.txt).

Replicate the bug

Now, take a note about what are you doing so you can write the procedure into the report.

If the bug has been occurred, we should have caught that.

Group up files

Now prepare your things, these should be:

  • The file log.txt
  • The procedure to perform the bug
  • Your config.yml

Send the report

You can send the report via any of these support channel: