

Parties use own and PlaceholderAPI placeholders. These are divided into 2 categories: inside and outside the plugin.

Table of contents

Inside Parties

Inside Parties configurations, placeholders are called 'tags'.

Every time there is a special tag, there is an explanation too, just scroll your configuration file to catch up every tag 😉.
These are the tags that you can use everywhere:

%color_code%Color code of the party
%color_command%Color command of the party
%color_name%Color name of the party
%desc%Description of the party
%experience_total%Total experience gained
%experience_level%Party level
%experience_level_roman%Party level with roman numbers
%experience_level_experience%Total experience of current level
%experience_levelup_current%Current level experience
%experience_levelup_necessary%Necessary experience to level up
%kills%Kill counter of the party
%id%ID of the party
%leader_name%Leader name
%leader_uuid%Leader uuid
%list_parties_total%Number of existing parties
%list_rank_<RANK>%List of members that are <RANK>
%list_rank_<RANK>_total%Total of members that are <RANK>
%list_rank_<RANK>_online%Online members that are <RANK>
%list_rank_<RANK>_online_total%Total of online members that are <RANK>
%list_rank_<RANK>_offline%Offline members that are <RANK>
%list_rank_<RANK>_offline_total%Total of offline members that are <RANK>
%members%List of party members
%members_total%Total of party members
%members_online%List of online party members
%members_online_total%Total of online party members
%members_offline%List of offline party members
%members_offline_total%Total of offline party members
%motd%MOTD of the party
%name%Name of the party
%out_party%Out of party message (configurable in messages.yml)
%party%Name of the party
%player%Player name
%player_id%Player UUID
%player_name%Player name
%player_nickname%Player nickname or name as fallback
%player_rank_chat%Formatted rank name of the player
%player_rank_name%Rank name of the player
%sender%Sender name
%server_id%BungeeCord server id (configurable in config.yml)
%server_name%BungeeCord server name (configurable in config.yml)
%tag%Tag of the party
%victim%Victim name
%custom_<PLACEHOLDER>Custom placeholders

You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders inside Parties! Just remember that Parties tags are considered first.

If you are using LuckPerms, you can use %luckperms_prefix% and %luckperms_suffix% placeholders in any Parties.

Outside Parties

Outside Parties you can use PlaceholderAPI to print Parties tags wherever you want! It supports EssentialsChat too.

%parties_color_code%{PARTIES_COLOR_CODE}Color code of the party
%parties_color_command%{PARTIES_COLOR_COMMAND}Color command of the party
%parties_color_name%{PARTIES_COLOR_NAME}Color name of the party
%parties_desc%{PARTIES_DESC}Description of the party
%parties_experience_total%{PARTIES_EXPERIENCE_TOTAL}Total experience gained
%parties_experience_level%{PARTIES_EXPERIENCE_LEVEL}Party level
%parties_experience_level_roman%{PARTIES_EXPERIENCE_LEVEL_ROMAN}Party level with roman numbers
%parties_experience_level_experience%{PARTIES_EXPERIENCE_LEVEL_EXPERIENCE}Total experience of current level
%parties_experience_levelup_current%{PARTIES_EXPERIENCE_LEVELUP_CURRENT}Current level experience
%parties_experience_levelup_necessary%{PARTIES_EXPERIENCE_LEVELUP_NECESSARY}Necessary experience to level up
%parties_kills%{PARTIES_KILLS}Kill counter of the party
%parties_id%{PARTIES_ID}ID of the party
%parties_leader_name%{PARTIES_LEADER_NAME}Leader name
%parties_leader_uuid%{PARTIES_LEADER_UUID}Leader uuid
%parties_list_parties_total%{PARTIES_LIST_PARTIES_TOTAL}Total of existing parties
%parties_list_rank_<RANK>%{PARTIES_LIST_RANK_<RANK>}List of members that are <RANK>
%parties_list_rank_<RANK>_total%{PARTIES_LIST_RANK_<RANK>_TOTAL}Total of members that are <RANK>
%parties_list_rank_<RANK>_online%{PARTIES_LIST_RANK_<RANK>_ONLINE}Online members that are <RANK>
%parties_list_rank_<RANK>_online_total%{PARTIES_LIST_RANK_<RANK>_ONLINE_TOTAL}Total of online members that are <RANK>
%parties_list_rank_<RANK>_offline%{PARTIES_LIST_RANK_<RANK>_OFFLINE}Offline members that are <RANK>
%parties_list_rank_<RANK>_offline_total%{PARTIES_LIST_RANK_<RANK>_OFFLINE_TOTAL}Total of offline members that are <RANK>
%parties_members%{PARTIES_MEMBERS}List of party members
%parties_members_total%{PARTIES_MEMBERS_TOTAL}Total of party members
%parties_members_online%{PARTIES_MEMBERS_ONLINE}List of online party members
%parties_members_online_total%{PARTIES_MEMBERS_ONLINE_TOTAL}Total of online party members
%parties_members_offline%{PARTIES_MEMBERS_OFFLINE}List of offline party members
%parties_members_offline_total%{PARTIES_MEMBERS_OFFLINE_TOTAL}Total of offline party members
%parties_motd%{PARTIES_MOTD}MOTD of the party
%parties_name%{PARTIES_NAME}Name of the party
%parties_out_party%{PARTIES_OUT_PARTY}Out of party message (configurable in messages.yml)
%parties_party%{PARTIES_PARTY}Name of the party
%parties_player_display_name%{PARTIES_PLAYER_NAME}Display name of the player
%parties_player_id%{PARTIES_PLAYER_ID}UUID of the player
%parties_player_name%{PARTIES_PLAYER_NAME}Name of the player
%parties_player_nickname%{PARTIES_PLAYER_NICKNAME}Player nickname or name as fallback
%parties_player_rank_chat%{PARTIES_PLAYER_RANK_CHAT}Formatted rank name of the player
%parties_player_rank_name%{PARTIES_PLAYER_RANK_NAME}Rank name of the player
%parties_server_id%{PARTIES_SERVER_ID}BungeeCord server id (configurable in config.yml)
%parties_server_name%{PARTIES_SERVER_NAME}BungeeCord server name (configurable in config.yml)
%parties_tag%{PARTIES_TAG}Tag of the party
%parties_custom_<PLACEHOLDER>%{PARTIES_CUSTOM_<PLACEHOLDER>}Custom placeholders

If you are using MvdW PlaceholderAPI, you need to use {placeholderapi_parties_TAG}.

Advanced placeholders

List parties by specific order


You can list every party of Parties by the selected order, you can get the party number #<NUMBER> and parse any Parties placeholder with <PLACEHOLDER>.

%list_parties_by_name_1%                   ===> MyParty
%list_parties_by_name_1_id%                ===> a36182f1-a500-4b56-91d7-308568596455
%list_parties_by_kills_2_kills%            ===> 130
%list_parties_by_kills_2_leader_name%      ===> AlessioDP

List members by rank


You can list every party member of rank <RANK>, get the number #<NUMBER> and parse any (PlaceholdersAPI too) placeholder with <PLACEHOLDER>.

%list_rank_leader_1%                       ===> AlessioDP
%list_rank_member_1%                       ===> AlessioDP2
%list_rank_member_1_online_player_id%      ===> 2757cac1-0636-4465-8527-5df6c46b6f40
%list_rank_member_2_online_player_world%   ===> world (example of PlaceholderAPI placeholder)

List members


You can get the party member number #<NUMBER> and parse any (PlaceholdersAPI too) placeholder with <PLACEHOLDER>.

%members_1%                         ===> AlessioDP
%members_2%                         ===> AlessioDP2
%members_online_1_player_id%        ===> 2757cac1-0636-4465-8527-5df6c46b6f40
%members_offline_1%                 ===> AlessioDP2

Custom placeholders

Thanks to placeholders configuration, you can make every custom placeholder that you want!
If you think that this is useless, this an example of usage:

  example1: "[%color_code%%party%] "

This will be your format: %parties_custom_example1%%username%: %message%.

This will be the output:
Player1 is inside a party: [&cMyParty] Player1: a message
Player2 is outside a party: Player2: another message