

Table of contents

Can I run Parties on X?

Parties officially supports Spigot, Bukkit and BungeeCord (1.8 > 1.16).
You can use it on Spigot/BungeeCord derivates too, like PaperSpigot and Waterfall.

How can I change the plugin into guild/clan?

You have to change Parties command and they relative messages into guild/clan. At the end of config.yml you can change the commands:

      command: 'guild'
      description: 'Parties help page'
      aliases: []
      command: 'g'
      description: 'Send a party message'
      aliases: []

Then you can change any message that you want in messages.yml. You can find a pre-edited messages.yml here.

How can I use Parties placeholders/tags outside?

If you wanna use Parties placeholders outside the plugin, you must install PlaceholderAPI.
More info about placeholders here.

How do I synchronize multiple Spigot servers?

If you wanna use Parties in a BungeeCord network, you should follow this guide.

SkillAPI and friendly fire is not working properly

Unfortunately, SkillAPI is not maintained anymore and it does not implement Parties to check for friendly fire. I cannot do nothing by my side.

Why my commands has been replaced?

Parties by default uses /party and /p, if another plugin tries to register that command too, it can breaks how commands works.

This often happens when you are using plugins like: PlotMe, mcMMO.

You can easily fix it by removing these plugins or editing Parties commands into something else, take a look how here.

Why I am not able to see offline players?

Parties requires LastLoginAPI to access/handle offline players. Just install it!

What is the minimum version of Java to use?

What is the minimum version of Java to use?

You need to use at least Java 11.