

Parties uses an internal permission system called "ranks".
Thanks to this you can decide which rank of the party can perform a specific actions, for example you can allow only moderators to invite players or rename party.

You can edit the ranks in parties.yml at the option ranks.

By default there are three ranks: Leader, Moderator and Member.


This is an example of how ranks are configured:

    level: 5
    name: "Member"
    chat: "&bMember"
    default: true
    - party.sendmessage
    - party.home
    - party.desc
    - party.motd
    - party.claim
    - party.teleport.accept
    - party.teleport.deny
    level: 10
    name: "Moderator"
    chat: "&cModerator"
    inheritence: member
    - party.ask.accept
    - party.ask.deny
    - party.invite
    - party.kick
    level: 20
    name: "Leader"
    chat: "&4&lLeader"
    - '*'


    level: 5

The ID is used to define a rank and must be unique.


level: 5

The level of a rank indicates how much important it is, higher is better.

There is only one leader and is always the highest rank.

Name and chat

name: "Member"
chat: "&bMember"

These strings can be changed into whatever you want, they do not must be the same name of the YAML node.

Name is used to refer the rank in commands.
Chat is used with the placeholder %player_rank_chat% and should be "good looking" because used in chat.


default: true

This options indicates if the rank is the default one. New members will automatically be in this rank.

There is only one default rank.


- 'a.permission'
- '-a.negated.permission'
- '*'

This is where you insert rank permissions, all listed below.

You can negate a permission by adding at the start -.
With '*' you can add ALL permissions.


inheritence: "member"

You can choose to inherit all permissions from another rank, so you do not have to rewrite them all.

Rank permissions

This is the full permissions list that you can use in ranks.

You can negate these permissions by inserting - before.

Basic rank permissions

Party basic permissionDescription
party.ask.acceptCan accept ask requests
party.ask.denyCan deny ask requests
party.claimAllow access to /party claim
party.homeAllow access to /party home
party.inviteAllow access to /party invite
party.kickAllow access to /party kick
party.sendmessageCan send messages
party.sendmessage.colorSend colored messages
party.teleport.acceptCan accept teleport requests
party.teleport.denyCan accept teleport requests

Edit rank permissions

Party edit permissionDescription
party.edit.closeCan close the party
party.edit.colorCan edit the party color
party.edit.descCan edit the party description
party.edit.followCan toggle the party follow
party.edit.homeCan edit the party home
party.edit.motdCan edit the party motd
party.edit.nickname.ownCan edit the own nickname
party.edit.nickname.othersCan edit the others player nickname
party.edit.openCan open the party
party.edit.passwordCan edit the party password
party.edit.protectionCan toggle friendly fire protection
party.edit.tagCan edit the party tag

Admin rank permissions

Party admin permissionDescription
party.admin.rankAllow access to /party rank
party.admin.renameAllow access to /party rename
party.admin.teleportAllow access to /party teleport

Extra rank permissions

Party extra permissionDescription
party.warnondamageReceive a message when there is a friendly fire attack
party.autocommandEnable autocommand feature

Add a new rank

To add a new rank you just have to edit the ranks list like this:

    level: 5
    name: "Member"
    chat: "&bMember"
    default: true
    level: 8
    name: "My new rank"
    chat: "&bMy new rank"
    inheritence: member
    - 'a.permission'
    level: 10
    name: "Moderator"
    chat: "&cModerator"
    inheritence: MYNEWRANK

As you can see, I have added the inheritence option to avoid rewriting all permissions and changed the moderator one too.

If something is not working, be sure you are correctly using spaces instead of tabs