
Supported plugins

Currently known supported plugins, if you wanna add a plugin here contact me on Discord.

Table of contents

Directly supported

Parties directly hooks into these plugins.

AdvancedBan & BanManager

Automatically kick from the party on player ban and prevent party chat if muted (configurable).


Parties prevents muted players to use the party chat.


You can show the home location of the party. Its configurable from the config.yml. You can edit the layer, label and icon of the marker, also you can choose to show the marker by default.


Parties correctly save the old location to let you use /back correctly and prevent muted players to use the party chat.

GriefDefender & GriefPrevention

If you are the leader of the party (configurable), you can grant some permission to your partymates with the command /party claim. When this command is used, the current claim where you are will be edited to add the claim permission to your entire party.

There are 3 different sub-commands for every access-type (configurable): build/container/access. (manager for GriefDefender)
You can remove a permission with /party claim remove.

You need to use this command inside a claim as the owner/manager of that.


Thanks to this plugin, Parties will be able to get offline players via their name and you will be able to use commands on offline players and see their names in commands. Its supported on both Spigot and BungeeCord version.
You can read more info about that plugin here.


Parties directly hooks into LuckPerms to get prefix and suffix placeholders. Thanks to this you can use them in Bungeecord and Velocity Parties, without using PlaceholderAPI. The placeholders are %luckperms_prefix% and %luckperms_suffix%.

PlaceholderAPI & EssentialsChat

Plugin placeholders are automatically parsed if used by PlaceholdersAPI or EssentialsChat.
You can read more about placeholders here.


Parties hooks into PremiumVanish, BungeeCord version, to figure out if a player is vanished or not.


Enable Redis support in config.yml to sync Parties between Redis servers.


Parties automatically implements Skript if installed.
Thanks to it you can handle most important events, party and partyplayer data.

You can find the documentation on SkriptHub or skUnity.

If you have problems of expression overriding, you can disable Parties hooking in config.yml.


You can give a price to some commands, to do that Parties will hook into Vault. If you are interested about that feature, just take a look to the config.yml.

To perform a command that cost you money, you need to confirm that with /party confirm (configurable).

Plugins that support Parties

These plugins hooks into Parties. If they are not working you should ask for help directly on their support channel.


BedWars1058 supports Parties, so you can join into the minigame with your entire party!


DungeonsXL supports Parties as provider for their group adapter.


Parties support LevelPoints so you can decide to send the dropped experience directly to it.

Marcely's Bedwars

Marcely's Bedwars supports Parties, so you can join into the minigame with your entire party!


You can enable Parties support in MMOCore config file to use our party system instead of the one used in MMOCore.


OpenAudioMc supports Parties as filter for players in the same party.

Plugily Projects

All plugins developed by Plugily team support Parties. Most famous plugins are: Build Battle, Murder Mystery and Village Defense.

Quality Armory

Quality Armory support Parties, so you cannot deal damage to party members if the friendly fire protection is enabled.


Quests support Parties, so you can do quests with your party members with some new features like: distance between members, complete a quest for all party members (even if offline), reward with party experience.

Screaming BedWars

BedWars plugin developed by ScreamingSandals supports Parties. If the party leader joins a game, the entire party will follow him.


ShowItem allows user to use its special placeholders in party chat (enabled with /party chat toggle) and /p command. For the /p command you need to add it to the ShowItem config.yml, like this:

  # ...
  # A list of commands where we should replace the variable with the item info
  - "msg"
  - "say"
  - "me"
  - "ch"
  - "p"


Unite, by PikaMug, is an API for developers that abstract party/group/team layers of supported plugins (including Parties) so you do not have to directly hook into them.


TNTRun reloaded by steve4744 allows you to use Parties party system instead of their own one.